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About me



I got into track cycling in the summer of 2022 and since then it has been a whirlwind. There were so many firsts and it was super exciting jumping into something that was so new yet so similar to what I've always had a passion for. Since then, I've competed in two World Championships, four Nations Cups and two Pan American Championships. These competitions have taken me to Paris, Jakarta, Cairo, LA, Glasgow, and San Juan, Argentina. It has been a truly incredible journey and I'm so excited for what's ahead. 


I began racing mountain bikes at local races around 12 years old and had raced across the world by the time I was 18, something that I am so grateful for. I landed on various steps of many national championship podiums and more importantly, learned an immense amount.


Injury and therefore an adjusted timeline for a season led me to Xterra off-road triathlon where, in 2021, I was able to win the National/Pan American Championship for my age group (20-24) and go top 5 in the Elite race. This was all the more special because it was at my home ski resort. This led me to competing at Xterra World Championships in Maui where I was able to take the 20-24 world title.  


I have always loved the training and just process that goes into it all. I find some of the best days are the days spent exploring the mountains for hours, snacking on stoop waffles and enjoying the views.


I graduated Magna Cum Laude from California Polytechnic State University (San Luis Obispo) in 2021 with a BS in Physics and a minor in Mathematics and Premed. I plan to attend graduate school in the coming years to further my education.

Currently I enjoy reading, studying, and researching all things physiology, technology, and health in order to further both for myself and the athletes that I coach. 



          Stanford School of Medicine

I currently work remotely as a Project Manager for Stanford School of Medicine.

Projects I am involved in:

  • The ELITE Study

    • ​A study looking at the genetics of elite athletes

      • If you have a VO2max of 65+ (men) or 55+ (women) or just want to be involved, please reach out! 

  • My Heart Counts Cardiovascular Study -

    • A large-scale cardiovascular health research study 

    • The first ever entirely digital clinical trial​​


I have loved working on these projects because I get to look the at health of the fittest in the world while trying to increase health on a wide scale for the most sedentary portion of the population.


          Cycling Coaching

I coach a handful of athletes across different cycling disciplines. Interested in learning more about my coaching? Check it out here


Other Interests

When I am not riding or working, I enjoy all things outdoors: snowboarding, surfing, hiking, swimming, and exploring new places.

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